
We offer a variety of pediatric services, including Well-Child Checkups. Stay on track with vaccinations and more by making sure your child has one of these appointments yearly. For an appointment with Sandra A. Sooman, MD, please call 870-722-6568.



Well-child visits involve a head-to-toe examination as well as essential screenings and tests. During a well-child checkup, your child might be screened for: 

• Anemia and lead poisoning 
• Developmental delays
• Current immunizations
• Hip dysplasia 
• Evaluation of fine and gross motor skills 
• Vision

Specialty Clinics

The specialty clinics are located at the Medical Office Building on 132 Medical Circle, Suite 100, Nashville and the HMH Foundation Medical Office Building at 119 Medical Circle, Nashville. For information on how to schedule an appointment with one of our visiting specialists, please talk with your primary care provider about a referral.